10 tips to help with your anxiety.

We all know anxiety is a bitch! It can take over at any time. Sometimes we can feel it, sometimes it hits you like a punch to the stomach that takes your breath away.

So after some research I though I’d share some tips to help you manage your anxiety.

Some are factual and some are just what helps me personally get through.

You can take away what you want from these tips nothing is right or wrong.

1. Watch what you eat.

Now I don’t mean you need to go on some fad diet or health kick…. Who wants to do that when they are feeling anxious? (Unless that actually helps you of course).

Skipping meals.

I am guilty of this one myself. Skipping meals causes hypoglycaemia. Which further causes you to feel irritable, nervous, dizzy and weak.

Even if you can’t stomach 3 full meals a day, try to eat little and often. Your body needs fuel to be able to work properly.


Sugar can sometimes temporarily suppress anxiety and tension. Something I didn’t know. Although studies show it actually increases the risk of anxiety and depression.

Processed foods.

Now this is a problem area for me. Some days I would rather just order a takeaway or shove something quick in the oven because I can’t even face the thought of cooking.

This should be a no no though. Processed foods contain additives and can promote anxiety and low mood. So maybe try opting for a healthier option even if it’s only a small one.

2. Drink more water.

I know this seems to be the answer for alot of things right now, but honestly how much water your drinking really effects your whole body and mind.

A dehydrated body is a stressed body. This also increases the risk of anxiety.

I go from one extreme to the next when it comes to drinking enough water. Sometimes I’m really on it, drink water through out the whole day for weeks at a time and I genuinely feel better for it (other then the constant pissing).

Sometimes I hardly drink anything and I feel like shit. Sluggish, no motivation, pounding head aches.

Even if you just take small sips of water through out the day it’s better then nothing. I find having a water bottle helps I hate drinking tap water out of a glass. I don’t know why.


I’m not best pleased about this one, as I run on coffee most days. I did find out that caffeine is an anxiety amplifier but often doesn’t take effect until a few hours after so usually, you wouldn’t put the two together.

So yes I said. Caffeine is not good for anxiety. I’m not saying goodbye to coffee but I will be lowering my daily consumption.

3. Get some fresh air.

As simple as it sounds getting some fresh air in your lungs really does help.

You don’t have to go mad. Go on some crazy 8 mile walk or jump into some mad exercise routine. Again, unless that’s your thing and if it is that’s great. Remember the feeling you get from doing it and try again.

Keeping things more simpler which is how I like them. Just going and sitting in your garden for 10/20 minutes can help. Stick your head out of the window and take in some real deep breaths look at the sky or the moon.

Just take some time to refocus your brain whilst taking in these deep breaths of fresh air.

Sometimes it’s the little things in life that make us most happy.

Even going for a drive with the windows open and listening to some music. Whatever you feel comfortable with, just get some fresh air into your body.

4. Use your senses.

Anxiety comes in different forms. For me sometimes it’s there all day, hovering in the background like a shadow. Other times it’s a full blown anxiety attack and I’m a mess.

Using your senses and getting your brain to focus on something else, can really help. For example

  • What can I see
  • What can I hear
  • What can I feel
  • What can I smell
  • What can I taste

There might be other things you already do or would change and that absolutely fine! No one is the same and different things work for different people.

5. Get off social media.

This is hard one right? The whole world practically revolves around social media these days.

Yes it does, but social media can have a real negative impact on your anxiety and mental health in general.

Remember there isn’t much online that hasn’t been altered, exaggerated, truthfully told or made up.

Reading and seeing negative things or unrealistic expectations does not help anxiety. Instead try…

  • Reading a book
  • Going for a walk
  • Talking to a friend
  • Colouring
  • Cooking

You could even set yourself some time limits for social media if you find that better or easier.

Watch less tv.

What you watch on the tv also has an impact on your anxiety and mental health. Stay away from the news it’s all doom and gloom. If you are going to watch tv choose something upbeat funny or educational.

I’m terrible for watching murder documentary’s and it really does have a negative impact on my anxiety and depression hearing nothing but bad things all the time. So be mindful as to what you are letting sink into your brain.

6. Start a journal.

Journals are great anxiety relievers. There are so many different types of journals available now or you could even make your own. It’s a great way to keep track of your emotions, anxiety, moods, water intake, exercise, appointments, thoughts, ANYTHING!!

Remember it’s your journal and your journey.

Do whatever is right for you!

If something like that isn’t your thing even just setting yourself a little routine can really help. Anxiety thrives in chaos. Keeping a routine helps to ease anxiety and helps to keep some control in our lives.

7. Get enough sleep.

Sleep is crucial with or without anxiety. So getting in your 8 hours in is really important.

I know this is easier said then done when your brain won’t shut up, your anxiety is through the roof and your playing out the worst possible case scenario for every single situation in your entire life.

Or you have a teething child that’s up 3 times in the night, a new born home so who the hells getting 8 hours sleep around here? Maybe your child still gets up in the night just because they can.

If you haven’t had your 8 hours or struggle to for any reason. Have a nap! Yes a nap. They are aloud. Sometimes we need a little recharge and that is ok. Set an alarm so you don’t over sleep and feel worse, but napping is ok people. Get some rest.

8. Self care.

Self care can be any number of small things. It doesn’t mean you need to go on some expensive spa day that none of us can really afford or find a babysitter for.

Self care is doing something enjoyable or therapeutic for yourself.

It can be really simple things like

  • Having a bubble bath
  • Painting your nails
  • Doing a face mask
  • Reading a book
  • Going for a walk alone
  • Listening to your favourite music
  • Lighting some candles and getting cosy
  • Cook a healthy meal
  • Start a project
  • play a game
  • Go for a drive

If your feeling braver you could

  • Join the gym
  • Join an exercise group
  • Join a mum group
  • Visit somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
  • Go to the park
  • See friends
  • Get your hair or nails done
  • Clean and organise your house
  • Start a hobby

What ever it is you enjoy doing, for you, make some time for it.

Self care isn’t selfish.

9. Stop comparing.

We are all guilty of this. I mean how can we not compare ourselves, our homes, our parenting, our cars, our bank accounts, our friends when that is all you see nowadays.

Yes we do this, but we need to stop.

Nobody and I repeat nobody is perfect.

Not the people you see with the perfect Instagram bodies. Not the people with the perfectly mrs hinch houses. Not the people that appear to be the perfect parent. Not the mums up the school, not your superior at work, no one is bloody perfect!

So please stop comparing yourself to anyone else. It’s soul destroying.

We are all perfectly imperfect.

Nobody posts the bad shit. Most people can’t even be honest with themselves let alone anyone else. But you can.

We don’t need to be perfect we just need to be ourselves.

10. Accept your anxiety.

Accepting most things in life helps you grow and sometimes find peace.

Accepting your anxiety and not trying to fight it will help. It doesn’t mean we have to like it.

Figuring out what triggers you can be very useful. Taking the steps here or elsewhere you find helpful can help with the acceptance.

Some people can suffer with anxiety and get over it. Some people can suffer with anxiety their whole life’s. Either way accepting the illness, accepting the motions will help you.

If your anything like me and you are fighting demons on the daily. Anxiety is one you don’t want to fight against because you can’t win. It will just get worse. You’ll have anxiety about anxiety.

Just accept it. Try to be at peace with it. Don’t let it destroy you. Don’t let it take away your inner peace.

Remember your triggers. Remember what helps you. Don’t be afraid to talk about it.

This will pass, it always does. You will survive and you will shine again.

You are not what your anxiety says you are.

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