Welcome to the Mental Mummy Blog.

What is The Mental Mummy…

As a women who suffers with various mental health problems, I have always found it really hard to be understood and fit in. I’m very misunderstood. Being a mum with mental health problems….. Well that’s a whole different ball game. So for many years now I have thought about this, starting a blog. I really want to share my experiences good and bad to support other mums with mental health problems. I want to shine a light on mental health, all the stigmas we are surrounded by and talk about the things people don’t really want to talk about.

I’m definitely not a writer, that being said….. I have ALOT to say and I really hope this can be a journey for me and any of you out there that have taken the time to come here. Know this is a safe place to be brutally honest, with our mental health, parenting, working and whatever else this crazy life throws at us! At the end of the day we are all winging it and you never know what another person is going through.

A little about me

HI everyone, my names Niketa and here on my blog is where we can brutally honest about absolutely anything. I’m 31 years old (feel about 80) I have 3 children a boy and 2 girls. I now have a new partner and 2 step daughters and lets not forget the 2 dogs…… Life is MAD to say the least. I suffer with various mental health issues. I had quite a traumatic childhood which then lead me to a 10 year on and off toxic relationship. I then spent nearly 3 years on my own before I met my now amazing partner, but through my life suffering with mental health problems I’ve crumbled I’ve cried I’ve lost it but most importantly I made it….. even on my darkest days I had little eyes watching me. I couldn’t give up even when I wanted to. I’m not by any means a preacher I’m still learning, I’m still trying with motherhood mental health and life in general. I’ve had a lot of trauma in my life and I really want to channel it into something positive, so this is me…. ‘The Mental Mummy.

I can be loud crazy and opinionated. I can be loving and emotional. I can also be unstable, vulnerable, angry or hyperactive. I have extreme highs and extreme lows and as most people know with mental health, there’s no in-between. I really want to shine a light on the real side of being a mum with mental health problems.

It’s time to be honest about mums with mental health problems.

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